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D Improvement Proposals
DIP 1: DIP Template
DIP 2: Const code bloat
DIP 3: Remove inheritance protection
DIP 4: Properties
DIP 5: Properties 2
DIP 7: Operator Overloading, Reloaded
DIP 8: Templating Classinfo and Typeinfo
DIP 9: Redo toString API
DIP 10: Qualified constructors and destructors for structs
DIP 11: Automatic downloading of imports
DIP 12: C API headers
DIP 13: Import path binding
DIP 14: Import path binding in source code
DIP 15: Import of packages
DIP 16: Transparently substitute module with package
DIP 17: Sane volatile statement
DIP 18: Non-GC threads
DIP 20: Volatile read/write intrinsics
DIP 21: DIP Template
DIP 23: Fixing properties
DIP 24: Fixing properties and optional parens in a straightforward way.
DIP 25: Sealed references
DIP 26: Properties the other way round
DIP 27: Functions
DIP 28: Functions
DIP 29: Unique Pointers
DIP 30: Delegates
DIP 31: Defined compile time paradox resolution
DIP 32: Uniform tuple syntax
DIP 33: A standard exception hierarchy
DIP 34: Static array literals
DIP 35: Sealed References Amendment
DIP 37: Importing Packages as if They Were Modules
DIP 38: Safe references without runtime checks
DIP 40: Template parameter deduction for constructors.
DIP 41: dmd/rdmd command line overhaul.
DIP 42: Add enum E(T) = expression; eponymous template support
DIP 43: D/Objective-C
DIP 44: scope(this)
DIP 45: making export an attribute
DIP 46: Region Based Memory Allocation
DIP 47: Outline Member Functions of Aggregates
DIP 48: Interface specifications for aggregate types
DIP 49: Define qualified postblit
DIP 50: AST Macros
DIP 51: not-virtual-by-default
DIP 52: Implicit conversions
DIP 53: Qualified constructor revisited
DIP 54: Revamp of Phobos tuple types
DIP 55: 'Access Data Items In Ancestor Stack Frames '
DIP 56: Provide pragma to control function inlining
DIP 57: static foreach
DIP 60: DIP Add @nogc Function Attribute
DIP 61: Add namespace scopes to support referencing external C++ symbols in C++ namespaces
DIP 62: Volatile type qualifier for unoptimizable variables in embedded programming
DIP 63: Operator overloading for raw templates
DIP 64: DIP64 Attribute Cleanup
DIP 65: DIP Template
DIP 67: Associative Ranges
DIP 68: Add @nogc attribute on types
DIP 70: extern(noinfer)
DIP 71: noscope and out!param
DIP 72: Provide a Uniform Compiler Info Syntax
DIP 73: D Drafting Library
DIP 74: Reference Counted Class Objects
DIP 75: Release Process
DIP 76: Autodecode Should Not Throw
DIP 77: Fix Unsafe RC Pass By Ref
DIP 78: AST Macros Lite
DIP 79: Negation of attributes
DIP 81: Writing files at compile time
DIP 82: static unittest blocks
DIP 83: Configurable Assert Diagnostics
DIP 84: Static Inheritance
DIP 85: Lazy Initialization of const Members
DIP 86: Deprecated attribute consistency
DIP 87: Enhanced foreign-language binding
DIP 88: Named Parameters