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Fixing properties

Version 1
Created 2013-02-02
Last modified 2013-02-02
Author Andrei Alexandrescu and Walter Bright


There has been significant debate about finalizing property implementation. This document attempts to provide a proposal of reasonable complexity along with checkable examples.


In a nutshell

There are a few simple rules that govern the behavior of D properties as per this proposal. All details are consequences of these simple rules.

  1. Once a function has the @property attribute, it can NEVER be invoked using parens “()”. NEVER. It simply does not understand parens. Parens are a right that @property forfeited. Therefore, any paren ever present after the use of a @property-adorned symbol will apply, if at all, to the value returned by that @property.
  2. A @property may have EXACTLY ONE or EXACTLY TWO parameters, counting the implicit this parameter if at all. The ONE-parameter version is ALWAYS a getter, and the TWO-parameter version is ALWAYS a setter. There’s no variadics, defaulted parameters, and such.
  3. ANY D expression expr has the same meaning (and type) when typeof is applied to it, and when not. That means the type of expr when occurring in code is really typeof(expr). (No kidding.)


The -property switch gets deprecated

This DIP obviates any behavioral change via -property.

Optional parens stay in

One can’t discuss properties without also discussing optional parens. These obviate to some extent the need for properties (at least of the read-only kind) and make for potential ambiguities.

This proposal sustains that optional parentheses should stay in. That means, if a function or method may be called without arguments, the trailing parens may be omitted.

    int a;
    void fun1() { ++a; }
    // will call fun
    assert(a == 1);

    // Works with default arguments, too
    void fun2(string s = "abc") { ++a; }
    assert(a == 2);

The same goes about methods:

    int a;
    struct S1 { void fun1() { ++a; } }
    S1 s1;
    // will call fun
    assert(a == 1);

    // Works with default arguments, too
    struct S2 { void fun2(string s = "abc") { ++a; } }
    S2 s2;
    assert(a == 2);

However, that’s not the case with function objects, delegate objects, or objects that implement the function call operator.

    static int a;
    static void fun1() { ++a; }
    auto p1 = &fun1;
    // Error: var has no effect in expression (p1)
    assert(a == 0);
    int a;
    void fun1() { ++a; }
    auto p1 = &fun1;
    // Error: var has no effect in expression (p1)
    static int a;
    struct S1 { void opCall() { ++a; } }
    S1 s1;
    // Error: var has no effect in expression (s1)    s1;

Taking the type of a symbol that may be used in a paren-less call results in the type of the returned object. THIS IS A CHANGE OF SEMANTICS.

    int fun1() { return 42; }
    static assert(is(typeof(fun1) == int));

To get the function type, one must apply the address-of operator.

    int fun1() { return 42; }
    static assert(is(typeof(&fun1) == int delegate()));
    static int fun2() { return 42; }
    static assert(is(typeof(&fun2) == int function()));

The same goes about member functions. THIS IS A CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR.

    struct S1 { int fun() { return 42; } }
    S1 s1;
    assert( == 42);
    static assert(is(typeof( == int)); // currently fails

The basic motivation here is that “” should not change type when under “typeof”.

If a function returns a reference, then assignment through the paren-less call should work:

    static int x;
    ref int fun1() { return x; }
    fun1 = 42;
    assert(x == 42);

A function that returns an object that in turn supports a call with “()” will never automatically apply implicit parens to the returned object. Using either `fun` or `fun()` will return the callable entity. To invoke the callable entity immediately one must use `fun()()`.

    static int x;
    int function() fun1() { return () => 42; }
    assert(is(typeof(fun1) == int function()));
    assert(is(typeof(fun1()) == int function()));
    assert(is(typeof(fun1()()) == int));
    assert(fun1()() == 42);

“Read” properties with the @property annotation

Functions annotated with @property are subject to additional restrictions compared to regular functions.

In brief, the “()” operator may NEVER be applied EXPLICITLY to a function annotated with @property. THIS IS A CHANGE OF SEMANTICS.

    @property int prop1() { return 42; }
    assert(prop1 == 42);
    static assert(is(typeof(prop1) == int));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, prop1()));

Applying the “()” to a property will simply apply it to the result of the property. THIS IS A CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR.

    @property int function() prop1() { return () => 42; }
    assert(prop1() == 42);

(Note: The @property annotation is not part of the function type, so it is impossible for a property to return a property.)

“Write” properties via the @property annotation

In order to use the assignment operator “=” property-style, the @property annotation MUST be used.

The rule for allowing assignment with properties is simple.

1. If “foo” is a function that has the @property annotation AND takes exactly one parameter, then “foo = x” calls foo with argument x. Calling “foo(x)” is disallowed. The type of the expression “foo = x” is the type of foo’s result.

    @property void fun(int x) { assert(x == 42); }
    fun = 42;
   assert(is(typeof(fun = 42) == void));

2. If “foo” is a function that has the @property annotation AND takes exactly two parameters, then “ = y” calls foo with arguments x and y. Calling “foo(x, y)” or “” is disallowed.

    @property double fun(int x, double y) { assert(x == 42 && y == 43); return y; } = 43;
   assert(is(typeof( = 43) == double));

3. If “foo” is a member function of a class or struct that has the @property annotation AND takes exactly one parameter (aside from the implicit parameter this), then “ = y” calls with argument y.

    struct S1
        @property double fun(int x) { assert(x == 42); return 43; }
    S1 s1; = 42;
    assert(( = 42) == 43);
    assert(is(typeof( = 42) == double));

No module-level properties

There is no module-level property emulating a global variable. That means a @property defined at module level must take either one parameter (meaning it’s a getter) or two parameters (meaning it’s a setter).

// at module level
@property int truncated(double x) { return cast(int) x; }
@property void all(double[] x, int y) { x[] = cast(double) y; }
    // truncated = 4.2; // compile-time error
    int a = 4.2.truncated;
    assert(a == 4);
    auto d = [ 1.2, 3.4 ];
    d.all = 42;
    assert(d == [ 42.0, 42.0 ]);

Taking the address of a property

If prop is a property, &prop or a.prop obey the normal rules of function/delegate access. They do not take the addres of the returned value implicitly. To do so, one must use &(prop) or &(a.prop).

Applying operators

This may be getting a bit too cute, but there’s quite some demand for it.

If a.prop is a member variable, the expression a.prop op= x has the usual meaning. Otherwise, a.prop op= x gets rewritten twice. First rewrite is (a.prop) op= x, i.e. apply op= to the result of the property. Second rewrite is a.prop = a.prop op x. If only one of the two rewrite compiles, use it. If both compile, fail with ambiguity error.

For properties, the increment operators are rewritten as follows

Rewrite 1:

++a.p —-> ++(a.p)

a.p++ —-> (++a.p)

Rewrite 2: ++a.p —-> { auto v = a.p; ++v; a.p = v; return v; }()

a.p++ —-> { auto v = a.p; ++a.p; return v; }()

If only one of the two rewrite compiles, use it. If both compile, fail with ambiguity error.


A battery of detailed and explained unittests (derived from Kenji Hara’s post follows.

// Could be any type
alias Type = int;

   struct S
       @property Type foo();       // formal getter
       @property void bar(Type);   // formal setter
       @property ref Type baz();   // ref return getter == auxiliary setter

   S s;
   // Correct, normal property read
   static assert( __traits(compiles, {;     }));
   // Cannot apply "()" explicitly to a property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, {;   }));
   // automatically applies the property
   static assert(is(typeof( == Type));
   // Taking the address reveals the delegate
   static assert(is(typeof(& == Type delegate()));

   // Correct, normal property write
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { = 1; }));
   // Cannot write properties with the function call syntax
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, {;  }));
   // A write-only property does not make sense without the assignment
   static assert(is(typeof( == false);
   // Taking the address reveals the delegate
   static assert(is(typeof(& == void delegate(Type)));

   // Correct, normal property read
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { s.baz;     }));
   // Cannot use "()" with properties
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { s.baz();   }));
   // The property is read, writing is done through the resulting ref
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { s.baz = 1; }));
   // Automatically apply "()"
   static assert(is(typeof(s.baz) == Type));
   // Taking the address reveals the delegate
   static assert(is(typeof(& == ref Type delegate()));
   // Changing precedence with parens reveals the returned type
   static assert(is(typeof(&( == Type*));

   struct S
       Type foo();         // 0-arg function
       void bar(Type n);   // 1-arg function
       ref Type baz();     // 0-arg ref return function
   S s;

   // Normal paren-less call
   static assert( __traits(compiles, {;     }));
   // Normal paren-ful call
   static assert( __traits(compiles, {;   }));
   // Paren-less call inside typeof
   static assert(is(typeof( == Type));
   // Taking address of method
   static assert(is(typeof(& == Type delegate()));

   // Lowering assignment syntax only works with @property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { = 1; }));
   // Normal call
   static assert( __traits(compiles, {;  }));
   // object.method cannot be typed, either use "&" to take address or "()" to call
   static assert(is(typeof( == false);
   // Taking the address gets the delegate
   static assert(is(typeof(& == void delegate(Type)));

   // Normal paren-less call
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { s.baz;     }));
   // Normal paren-less call followed by assignment
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { s.baz = 1; }));
   // Normal paren-ful call
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { s.baz();   }));
   // Paren-less call under typeof
   static assert(is(typeof(s.baz) == Type));
   // Paren-ful call under typeof
   static assert(is(typeof(s.baz()) == Type));
   // Getting address of delegate
   static assert(is(typeof(&s.baz) == ref Type delegate()));
   // Getting address of return
   static assert(is(typeof(&(s.baz)) == Type*));

// Error, cannot define top-level getter
// @property Type foo();
// Fine, ALWAYS a getter for Type
@property void bar(Type);
// Error, cannot define top-level getter
// @property ref Type baz();

   // bar is a getter, not a setter
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bar = 1; }));
   // Fine, UFCS property use
   static assert(__traits(compiles, {; }));
   // Can't apply parens to @property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bar(1);  }));
   // Setter name by itself does not have a type
   static assert(is(typeof(bar)) == false);
   // Taking the address
   static assert(is(typeof(&bar) == Type function()));

// Fine, ALWAYS a getter for Type
@property Type foh(Type);
// Fine, setter for Type
@property void bah(Type n, Type m);
// Fine, ALWAYS a getter for Type
@property ref Type bas(Type);

// Regular functions
Type hoo(Type);
void var(Type, Type);
ref Type vaz(Type);

   // foh is a getter, not a setter
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { foh = 1; }));
   // hoo is not a property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { hoo = 1; }));
   // Cannot apply parens to property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { foh(1);  }));
   // Regular function call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { hoo(1);  }));
   // Fine, foh is a getter
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.foh;   }));
   // Fine, UFCS+paren-less call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.hoo;   }));
   // Cannot use () with property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { 1.foh(); }));
   // UFCS call with parens
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.hoo(); }));
   // Cannot use properties with ()
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bah(1, 2); }));
   // Normal function call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { var(1, 2); }));
   // Yes, bah is a setter
   static assert( __traits(compiles, { 1.bah = 2; }));
   // No lowering for regular functions
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.var = 2; }));
   // No parens with @property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { 1.bah(2);  }));
   // UFCS call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.var(2);  }));

   // bas is a getter, not a setter
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bas = 1;     }));
   // vaz is a function with one argument
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { vaz = 1;     })));
   // No parens with property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bas(1);      }));
   // Regular function call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { vaz(1);      })));
   // Cannot use () with property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { bas(1) = 2;  }));
   // Fine, call vaz and assign through the result
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { vaz(1) = 2;  }));
   // Fine, bas is a getter
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.bas;       }));
   // Fine, UFCS
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.vaz;       }));
   // Fine, read property and assign result
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { 1.bas = 2;   }));
   // Fine, call function UFCS+parenless and assign result
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.vaz = 2;   }));
   // Cannot use () with property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { 1.bas();     }));
   // UFCS call
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.vaz();     })));
   // Cannot use parens with property
   static assert(!__traits(compiles, { 1.bas() = 2; }));
   // Fine, UFCS call and assign result
   static assert(__traits(compiles, { 1.vaz() = 2; }));

Additional restrictions

We want to get the design right so we’re starting conservatively until there’s good evidence we should relax the rules. Therefore:

This document has been placed in the Public Domain.